Study and implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress, new era and new journey

With the overall situation in mind, shoulder the responsibility to actively integrate into the main battlefield of economic construction

Show the brilliance of trade unions in the revitalization of the real economy

2018/01/08 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: Feng Bo Zhulin Zhou Mingli

On the "front line" of economic development, everyone needs to play their own roles. The majority of workers fighting in the production line are undoubtedly the most important force to rely on. How to stimulate the entrepreneurial passion of "main force" officers to a greater extent? In 2017, the South Lake District Federation of Trade Unions took the initiative to integrate into the main battlefield of economic construction, actively played a role in promoting the "Year of Platform Carrier Improvement" activity, and comprehensively helped, highlighting the sense of responsibility of trade union organizations in the new normal. At present, a new horn has been sounded to revitalize the real economy in Nanhu District, and the District Federation of Trade Unions has led the whole district's workers to start again!

Carry out meritorious service competition

Promotion acceleration of event

The underground utility tunnel project of Jiaxing Science and Technology City "attracted the attention of the city". As a demonstration site, it participated in the municipal key project meritorious competition, and held a on-site promotion meeting in the project, which fully stimulated the enthusiasm of the staff to make contributions. The construction of underground utility tunnel, sewage pipeline dredging and transformation and other projects entered the "fast lane"... to create a batch of high-quality, safe, fast, efficient, innovative Honest high-quality project. In 2017, the District Federation of Trade Unions carried out the "Three Importances and One Innovation" meritorious competition with the main content of "Six to Six Competitions" around the construction of key projects, major projects, major activities and new economic formats, which effectively promoted the project progress. The development rate of key projects above the municipal level in the whole district was 100%.

In addition to further carrying out meritorious competition activities, in 2017, the District Federation of Trade Unions also strengthened the linkage mechanism of departmental projects, regularly visited the contact enterprises and projects, actively participated in the "Hundred Days Action", timely learned about the construction, production and difficulties faced in the process of promoting the linkage projects, solved problems for project construction and enterprise development, and gave full play to the resource advantages of the trade union, It has provided effective and precise services in terms of enterprise recruitment and talent cultivation.

Cultivate craftsman spirit

Cultivate high ranks of quality workers

Strengthen the construction of industrial workers and help improve the energy level of the platform. In 2017, the District Federation of Trade Unions made great efforts to improve the quality of industrial workers in the whole district, and a series of activities injected impetus into the revitalization of the real economy.

Vigorously carry forward the spirit of craftsman, cultivate craftsman bases, and build a knowledge-based, technical and innovative talent team, which provides important support for project construction and industrial development. The forum and discussion activity of "promoting craftsman spirit and promoting enterprise development" was carried out. The provincial general manager's "model workers' tour report" went to villages and towns to select and commend advanced models such as workers' vanguard and workers' inventors... In the past year, the whole district has created 6 craftsman cultivation bases, 2 municipal high skilled talent innovation studios, and 11 district and county level innovation studios, Ke Xianhu, a mechanical worker of Hongfeng in Fengqiao Town, won the National May Day Labor Medal.

In 2017, the Nanhu District Federation of Trade Unions took skill competition as a starting point to improve the overall quality of employees and promote the transformation and upgrading of enterprises, At the same time, the "beautiful factory" creation activity was carried out jointly with the Bureau of Economy, Information and Commerce, and 68 free skills training sessions were organized for welders, electricians, home care, mother and infant early education and 11139 employees were trained.

Stimulate industrial vitality

The trade union organization will start again in 2018

The trade union brand of "regional management and home-based service" created by the Federation of Trade Unions in Nanhu New Area (Dongzha Street) has created a good development environment for small and micro enterprises and Internet platform enterprises within the jurisdiction; The trade union brand of Fengqiao Town Federation of Trade Unions, which is "one belt, one line, strong leadership, small city, big craftsman promoting transformation", has stimulated the "energy pool" of technological innovation talents of machinery manufacturing enterprises... In 2017, the trade unions at all levels in Nanhu District frequently came up with ingenious ways to serve the real economy. As the first year of the new leadership team, 2018 is in the "chorus" of the main theme of revitalizing the real economy, The performance of the regional trade union organizations will be more wonderful.

The relevant person in charge of the District Federation of Trade Unions said that this year the trade union will continue to carry out the "three important and one new" meritorious service competition, continue to strengthen post training and skill competition, focus on improving the quality of industrial workers and promoting technological innovation of enterprises, vigorously cultivate "craftsmen" and highly skilled talents, and combine labor and skill competition with selecting advanced models and cultivating technical leaders, Let the strength of trade union organizations show greater achievements in boosting the development of the real economy.

Focusing on new technologies, new business types and new models, there is still much to be done for trade union organizations to turn and live, and actively integrate into the main battlefield of economic construction. For example, closely surrounding the development trend of the real economy in the whole region, key project projects, continue to promote meritorious competition activities, create a strong atmosphere of comparison and learning to catch up, and comprehensively improve the effectiveness of the competition; Innovative exploration enriches the extension and connotation of labor and skill competitions in new types of work, new projects and new fields that conform to the industrial development orientation, improves the content of knowledge, technology and science and technology, and accelerates the transformation of various skill competitions from speed physical type to benefit intellectual type. At the same time, the District Federation of Trade Unions will also actively seek departmental linkage and coordination, promote industrial technology exchange, build a platform for complementary advantages and cooperation among enterprises, cultivate more highly skilled talents and South Lake craftsmen, increase efforts to tackle key scientific and technological problems, and accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological innovation achievements.

label: Editor: Xu Hui

South Lake News


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