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Comprehensive regulation of Xiangjiadang River has achieved remarkable results

2017/12/25 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: reporter Chi Weitao, correspondent Zhan Neng

Xiangjiadang is famous and beautiful for its water. Since this year, Xiangjiadang area (Qixing Street) has deeply promoted the comprehensive improvement of water environment, effectively guaranteed and improved people's livelihood, combined water conservancy construction with the construction of "beautiful countryside", improved the healthy ecological environment of river channels, restored and improved the regional water environment, and worked hard to create a beautiful Xiangjiadang with "smooth rivers and clear waters, beautiful banks and beautiful scenery, and harmonious people and water".

Comprehensive river regulation has been steadily promoted

Xiangjiadang area is densely covered with river networks, more than 120 rivers crisscross, plus large and small lakes, with a water area of 4.85 square kilometers. Comprehensive river regulation is related to regional ecology and people's well-being.

Since this year, the Xiangjiadang Management Committee has carried out comprehensive river regulation on seven rivers (creeks), including Nangang in Jiangnan Xinjiayuan Community and Beiwanggang, Songta Port and Xuejiagang in Xianghu Community. A total of 1.7 kilometers of rivers have been regulated, 2.5 kilometers of bank revetments have been constructed, and 3.2 million yuan has been invested.

Songta Port, located in Qixing Industrial Park, was originally surrounded by weeds on both sides of the river, with messy bank slopes and unknown river shorelines. The most important thing was that some of the built revetments were damaged. In this regard, Xiangjiadang Management Committee started the comprehensive treatment of the river channel of Songta Port this year. The construction party dredged the river channel, renovated the slope protection, and reinforced the bank protection with ancient tripod shaped splitting blocks. At present, the construction of Songta Port revetment has been completed.

It is reported that the bank protection project is the main construction content of the comprehensive river regulation work. According to the functional division, navigation, soil consolidation and other factors of the block where the river is controlled, the engineering design and construction party adopts stone materials such as strip stone, yellowstone, split block and so on to reinforce the revetment.

"Through comprehensive river regulation, the functions of diversion, drainage and water storage of the river system will be revived, and the comprehensive functions of the river will be given full play, reflecting the characteristics of hydrophilicity of water towns and cities, improving the regional grade and water quality, and meeting the planning requirements of regional development and construction." The relevant person in charge of Xiangjiadang Management Committee introduced that river regulation is through filling the safety belt on the top, digging the bottom of the river The river channel can meet the requirements of flood control, diversion and drainage by extending the estuary. River regulation shall be carried out according to local conditions. Through the construction of river bank protection, the water environment and water and soil loss shall be significantly improved, the regulation and storage capacity of river network shall be increased, the flood control and drainage capacity of the region shall be improved, and the regional water environment shall be improved.

Remarkable ecological water control effect

River regulation is not only to solve the problem of flood control and drainage, but also to improve the ecological environment of waters, accessibility and hydrophilicity of rivers.

The river water is crystal clear, the aquatic plants are lush, and the revetments on both sides are firm and straight... Chuantang Port, which flows through the urban area of Qixing Street, is the first river in Xiangjiadang area to "taste fresh" ecological management.

This year, the Xiangjiadang Management Committee, on the basis of the comprehensive renovation of the Chuantang River last year, laid ecological water purification barriers, set up composite ecological floating beds, installed aeration devices, etc., aiming to restore the overall water quality to nature and repair the river bottom water ecosystem through ecological governance.

It is understood that the ecological water purification barrier technology can greatly reduce the impact of pollution sources on the river while maintaining the normal exchange of water flow. The ecological purification barrier will first intercept the flowing sewage, reduce the flow rate of water into the barrier, and reduce the mass of suspended impurities entering the barrier. Secondly, the microorganisms in the ecological purification barrier will absorb and decompose the sewage, which can effectively reduce the load of subsequent ecological treatment.

At the same time, the treatment construction party also planted a composite ecological floating bed with aquatic plants as the main body in the river, combined with biological fillers, applied the principle of symbiotic relationship between species and made full use of the spatial niche and nutrient niche of water body, and established an efficient artificial ecosystem to reduce the pollution load in the water body.

Now, after the completion of "transformation", Chuantang Port has a beautiful, fresh and natural environment, which has become a beautiful urban landscape and a microcosm of Xiangjiadang's ecological water control.

The relevant person in charge of Xiangjiadang Management Committee said that the overall water quality of Chuantang Port was restored to nature, and the river bottom water ecosystem was further repaired. Next, it will be promoted in a planned way in the region in combination with the ecological water control effect of Chuantang Port.

label: Editor: Zhou Shihao

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