Deepen the joint treatment of five types of water and eliminate the inferior water

Vigorously carry out labor security training and standardize enterprise human resource management

2017/06/13 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: reporter Gao Yuwen, correspondent Yu Feng, Pan Rong, Yu Jinju

In order to thoroughly implement a series of new regulations and laws such as the Administrative Measures for Enterprise Wage Payment in Zhejiang Province, the Jiaxing Labor Security "Blacklist" System (for trial implementation), standardize the human resource management of enterprises throughout the district, and reduce labor disputes from the source, the Nanhu District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has recently concentrated its efforts to organize 10 publicity lectures in towns, streets, and parks.

The content of this centralized training involves labor supervision, arbitration, social security and other aspects. The staff of the District Labor and Social Security Supervision Brigade and the Arbitration Commission explained the common labor laws and regulations and classic labor dispute cases to the relevant responsible persons of the enterprise, and the staff of the Policy and Regulation Section explained the treatment of work-related injuries and other issues. In addition, the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau also invited the department heads of the Municipal Social Security Bureau to explain the social security policies in detail, urging the enterprises in the jurisdiction to adapt to the situation and further standardize their employment behavior.

According to the relevant person in charge of the district labor and social security supervision team, "at the regular meeting of labor and social security supervision at the beginning of the year, we arranged to vigorously carry out labor and social security training as the key work of this year. Up to now, more than 1300 households in the district have been organized to participate in relevant training, and more than 2000 publicity materials have been distributed."

label: Editor: Zhou Shihao

South Lake News


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