Deepen the joint treatment of five types of water and eliminate the inferior water

Give a big compliment to the hired security guard for returning the money

2017/06/13 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: Correspondent Qiu Liqing, reporter Wang Shaoyun

"Now there are still many good people. Thank you so much! I was thinking about buying a new mobile phone, but I didn't expect to find it." Recently, a female college student took back her lost mobile phone. It was Lao Zhang, an external security guard employed by Nanhu District Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau, who patrolled the Yuexiu market.

In the morning of the same day, the girl went to Yuexiu Market to buy snacks. Due to the high traffic and noise of the market, the girl accidentally lost her mobile phone and did not find it immediately. When she returned to school, she found that her mobile phone was missing. At this time, as usual, Lao Zhang, an external security guard who manages the appearance of the city outside Yuexiu Market, found his mobile phone dropped on the ground by the roadside when patrolling. He didn't know how to turn on his mobile phone, so he held it and waited at the roadside. After half an hour, the mobile phone rang. When I picked it up, it turned out that the girl was calling with her classmate's mobile phone. Lao Zhang immediately told the other party the specific location, and the girl rushed over.

"At that time, I was very desperate to find that my mobile phone was lost. Thinking that people now have picked it up, I must have it for myself, so I didn't have much hope. I didn't expect that the phone call was still connected, and I could find my mobile phone so soon. I really appreciate this security brother. At the same time, I should learn from his spirit of returning money and give him a big compliment." The girl said. Lao Zhang, the security guard, said that it is also appropriate to return the things found to their original owners, and also reminded the public to take good care of their finances when going out, especially in crowded places.

label: Editor: Zhou Shihao

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