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Lanxiu Garden

2014/01/28 Source: South Lake News Network Author:

Lanxiu Garden is located on the west side of South Lake, covering an area of about 11350 square meters. Centered on "Wenxing Bridge" and "Antique Street", it is divided into South Garden and North Garden. The South Garden is under construction, and the North Garden was completed and opened to the public in May 1994. The name of Lanxiu Garden comes from the words in Zhejiang General Annals that "the beautiful water meets Hudu in the east, the language stream is controlled in the west, and the front belt has its own area, and the scenery is unique". It means the scenery of the South Lake, and can also be understood as the scenery of Jiaxing. There is a 270 meter long stele gallery in the park, inlaid with nearly 100 steles of all ages, many of which were created by famous calligraphers and painters of all ages, such as Wen Zhengming, Zhao Zhiqian, He Shaoji, Wu Changshuo, Ren Bonian, etc., and are of high historical research and artistic appreciation value.

The west side of the North Garden is opposite to the central axis, with a courtyard style architecture, and the east side is a free and open garden layout. The main gate is an antique gate tower, facing south from the north. The three characters "Lanxiu Garden" on the gate tower are simple and vigorous. Wang Jiying, a cultural relics researcher and calligrapher, wrote his own calligraphy. A pair of Qing Dynasty stone lions in front of the gate are awe inspiring. Across the stone step gate is the reception hall, in which is placed the root sculpture "QunYingHui". Along the stone path is the "Tongle Academy". On both sides of the door are a pair of Qing Dynasty drum holding stones, standing from left to right. In ancient times, marriage was said to be "door to door". This stone is the "door to door" in "door to door". Such a high relief of "household to household" in Jiaxing is rare now. Each of them has a relief of "three lions playing with colored balls", which is finely carved, small, lively and lovely, just like a naughty child, welcoming guests with a smiling face. Further north is the "Tingsong Hall", and the steps across the small bridge are the "Eight Immortals Hall", which is lined with root carvings such as "Plum Blossom for Spring", "Ten Thousand Horses Running", and "Vision". The corridors on both sides are inlaid with carved stones of "Qingyi Pavilion", "Stop Cloud Pavilion", "Little Spirit Vulture Mountain Pavilion", and inscriptions of Jiaxing's past dynasties, such as the inscription of "Going to Sea Guanyin" by Wu Daozi in the Tang Dynasty, and the inscription of renovating the school of Jiaxing Road in the Yuan Dynasty. In the octagonal pavilion at the east end of the Wuqu Long Corridor, there is also a large stone monument 2.8 meters high and 1.3 meters wide. The monument is "The Record of Jiaxing Government School Rebuilding the Minglun Hall", engraved in the thirty ninth year of the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty (1611). It is a running script written for Dong Qichang, with a total of more than 1100 characters. The font and strokes are smooth, the style is elegant, simple and unrestrained. Dong Qichang's large stele is a rare treasure. This stele is the treasure of Lanxiu Garden. Dong Qichang (1555-1636), a painter in the Ming Dynasty, was born in Huating (today's Songjiang, Shanghai). He was an official in the Ministry of Rites and was good at painting landscapes. He is an outstanding representative of "Huating Painters". To the east of the stele corridor is the garden area, with Lingxiang Pavilion, Three Pass Pavilion and Fishing Pool. The Three Pass Pavilion on the Fishing Pool rockery was built in memory of Su Dongpo, a great writer of the Song Dynasty, who arrived at the Doumen Benjue Temple in Jiaxing on the third.

label: Editor: Mo Lifen

South Lake News


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