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Ba Jin

2017/05/27 Source: South Lake News Network Author:


Ba Jin (1904 - 2005.) Original name Li Yaotang , with a pen name of Peigan, Yu Yi, Wang Wenhui, etc. His ancestral home is Jiaxing, Zhejiang, and he was born in an official family. He studied at home since childhood. the May 4th Movement China accepts the trend of democratism and anarchism. one thousand nine hundred and twenty Year to one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three Studied English in Chengdu Foreign Language School (one of the predecessors of Sichuan University), participated in the work of the progressive publication Half Moon, and participated in the organization Junshe To carry out anti feudal propaganda activities. one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two In《 Current Affairs News · The Literary Quarterly published new poems such as "The Cry of the Abused".

    one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three I went to Shanghai in, and soon came to Nanjing Southeast University Studying in the Affiliated High School, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five After graduating in the summer of, he often published papers and translations to promote anarchism. one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven He went to France in, and finished his first novella "Death" in Paris the next year, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine After its publication in Fiction Monthly in. one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight He returned to China in winter and lived in Shanghai. He wrote a lot of books in a few years. His main works include The Dead Sun, New Life, Sand Ding《 germination 》And famous Love trilogy Fog, Rain, Electricity. one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one Serialized famous novels in The Times in Torrent Trilogy Family, one of the most outstanding works in the history of modern literature in China, is the author's representative work.

    one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four He served as the editorial board member of Literature Quarterly in Beijing in. In the autumn of the same year, he crossed to Japan. He returned to China the next year and worked as the chief editor of Shanghai Cultural Life Publishing House Literary serials Cultural Life Series Literature series one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six In, he and Jin Yi founded the Quarterly Monthly, and in the same year Lu Xun He and others jointly issued the Declaration of Chinese Literary and Artistic Workers and the Declaration of Literary and Artistic Circles on Unity, Anti aggression and Freedom of Speech.

    Counter-Japanese War During this period, he worked in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Guilin and Chongqing, and once worked as the weekly magazine of Shout ( Later renamed Beacon Fire ) The issuer, chief editor, served as the director of all previous Chinese Anti enemy Association of Literary and Art Circles. one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight Year and one thousand nine hundred and forty In Torrent Trilogy one thousand nine hundred and forty Year to one thousand nine hundred and forty-five I've been writing for years Trilogy of Anti Japanese War Fire. In the later period of the Anti Japanese War, he wrote novellas "Rest Garden" and "The Fourth Ward". one thousand nine hundred and forty-six Completed the novel "Cold Night". Short stories are famous for God and Ghost. After the victory of the Anti Japanese War, he mainly engaged in translation, editing and publishing.

    one thousand nine hundred and forty-nine He attended the first National Conference of Literary and Art Circles in and was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles. one thousand nine hundred and fifty Vice Chairman of Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles. He has paid two visits to the front line of the DPRK and compiled two collections of prose communications, "Living Among Heroes" and "People Defending Peace". one thousand nine hundred and sixty He was elected Vice President of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Vice President of China Writers Association in. Cultural Revolution And was brutally persecuted. one thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight In Hong Kong since《 The Dagong Daily 》Serial prose Random Thoughts. At his initiative, one thousand nine hundred and eighty-five The Museum of Modern Chinese Literature was established in. His works have been translated into many languages. one thousand nine hundred and eighty-two Year to one thousand nine hundred and eighty-five In, he was successively awarded the Italian Dante International Honor Award, the French Medal of Honor, the honorary doctor of literature of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the honorary academician of the American Academy of Literature and Arts. Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association and Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Literary and Art Circles.


Label: Ba Jin Editor: Xu Hui

South Lake News


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