
    Tesla robots will enter the factory and perform tasks. Musk: There will be thousands of robots by the end of next year

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Scattered Star Sand

     Tesla robots will enter the factory and perform tasks. Musk: There will be thousands of robots by the end of next year

    Tesla CEO Mask recently announced a remarkable plan. He revealed that Tesla will not only sell the newly developed humanoid robot Optimus, but also plan to apply it to its own factory and provide leasing services to meet customer needs.

    Musk said that Tesla will adopt the strategy of leasing and sales to promote Optimus, and the leasing service is expected to take the lead in marketing before sales. He also revealed that by the end of next year, Tesla will have "more than 1000, maybe even thousands" Optimus robots put into operation. This will undoubtedly bring about a qualitative leap for Tesla's production and operation.

    Optimus robots are powerful and diverse. They can perform tasks directly through voice commands and have strong learning ability. By watching videos of human operations, these robots can continuously improve their skills and adapt to various working environments and task needs.

    Musk is very optimistic about the market prospect of Optimus robot. He believes that with the progress of technology and the expansion of the scope of application, humanoid robots may surpass humans in the future and reach an astonishing 10 billion to 20 billion.

    Musk also said that Tesla has the ability to mass produce these robots and plans to sell them at a price of about 20000 dollars. This price strategy aims to enable more people to access and enjoy the convenience and benefits brought by humanoid robot technology.

    Finally, Musk compared the market potential of autonomous driving technology and humanoid robot. He believes that although the market value of autonomous driving technology may reach $5-7 trillion, the market potential of humanoid robots is even greater, as high as $25 trillion. This prediction undoubtedly shows Musk's firm belief and long-term plan for humanoid robot technology.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Tesla robots will enter the factory and perform tasks. Musk: There will be thousands of robots by the end of next year true report one thousand and ninety-four Tesla CEO Mask recently announced a remarkable plan. He revealed that Tesla will not only sell the newly developed humanoid robot Optimus, but also plan to apply it to its own factory and provide leasing services to meet customer needs. Musk said that Tesla will take the strategy of leasing and sales to promote Optimus, and the leasing service is expected to take the lead in marketing before sales
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