
    QQ has handled 13200 accounts this year, including online toilets, open boxes and hanging people

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Breeze and Deer

     QQ has handled 13200 accounts this year, including online toilets, open boxes and hanging people

    Recently, QQ The Security Center has announced a rectification action against the Internet rage. Since the beginning of this year, the platform has disposed 13200 illegal accounts, banned 891 illegal groups, and removed 21 illegal topics.

    In the process of remediation, the QQ platform focused on combating a series of problems, such as network privacy disclosure, malicious slander and rumor attacks. At the same time, the platform also comprehensively governs the spread of extreme emotions on the Internet and malicious insults to others. The platform has imposed severe punishment on the accounts and groups that publish these illegal information.

    In addition, the QQ platform also actively strengthens the positive guidance of online behavior. For users suspected of publishing abusive information, the platform will timely send a warm reminder of civilized friendship to relevant users after verification and confirmation, and guide users to access the Internet healthily. According to statistics, since this year, the QQ platform has sent reminders to 2.07 million people, promoting the formation of a good network atmosphere.

    Finally, QQ platform appeals to netizens to participate in network activities rationally, strictly abide by relevant regulations, and jointly maintain a good network communication order. If you find any bad content related to network grumpiness, please report it immediately.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: QQ has handled 13200 accounts this year, including online toilets, open boxes and hanging people true report seven hundred and eight Recently, the QQ Security Center announced a rectification action against the Internet's violent atmosphere. Since the beginning of this year, the platform has disposed 13200 illegal accounts, banned 891 illegal groups, and removed 21 illegal topics. In the process of remediation, the QQ platform focused on combating a series of problems, such as network privacy disclosure, malicious slander and rumor attacks. At the same time, the platform is also very important to the communication network
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