
    TCL Wei Xue: Green is the background of high-quality development of enterprises

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: News flash

       6 On October 14, Wei Xue, Vice President of TCL Technology Group, Director of ESG Office, and President of TCL Public Welfare Foundation, was invited to attend the "ESG Innovation and Enterprise High Quality Development Forum" to share TCL's latest practices and innovative ideas in the ESG field and help Chinese enterprises achieve green and sustainable development.

        Wei Xue said in his speech, "Green development is the background of TCL's high-quality development. ESG's internal and external practices are gradually becoming a necessary management tool for TCL to move towards high-quality development, and also an important channel for stakeholders to understand the development of enterprises."


     TCL Wei Xue: Green is the background of high-quality development of enterprises

    Wei Xue made a speech at the "ESG Innovation and High Quality Enterprise Development Forum"

        As a globally competitive intelligent technology industry group, TCL has upgraded ESG management to a new strategic height, established a sustainable development governance system directly led by the Board of Directors, deepened the integration of environmental, social and governance factors in the company's strategic planning and daily operation and management, and built an important support for the sustainable development of the enterprise.

        At present, TCL is taking green manufacturing as an important support to implement the ESG concept, the "3050" carbon neutral commitment goal and TCL Green's global initiative in the three major industries of semiconductor display, new energy photovoltaic and intelligent terminals through TCL Technology and TCL Industry. By the end of 2023, 19 companies under TCL had passed ISO14001 environmental management system certification, 13 national green factories, 6 provincial green factories, and 4 industries had obtained green building certification.

     TCL Wei Xue: Green is the background of high-quality development of enterprises

      TCL PV roof of Huaxing t2 factory

    When talking about specific green practices, Wei Xue said, "TCL has implemented and implemented the concept of green development in the whole process of enterprise production and operation through building green factories, layout green industries and building green supply chains."

    Among them, TCL Huaxing, a subsidiary of TCL Technology, has invested 46.82 million yuan in the past year, implemented 638 energy-saving projects, saved 499 million kilowatt hours of electricity and avoided about 284600 tons of carbon emissions. The manufacturing base in Wuhan has invested about 1 billion yuan in water treatment, with a designed annual recovery of 38 million cubic meters, which is equivalent to "the water volume of a Wuhan East Lake can be recovered in three years" T4 production lines were rated as national green factories; On the one hand, TCL Central will reduce the cost of electricity per kilowatt hour of photovoltaic products by giving full play to the technical advantages of G12 N-type silicon chips and laminated tile modules; on the other hand, it will improve the process and optimize and upgrade the equipment in terms of production energy consumption, and reduce the use of electricity by 65.45 million kilowatt hours in 2023.

        In terms of intelligent terminal industry, TCL Industry has achieved full life cycle environmental management from product design, production, use to recycling through technological innovation and strengthening supply chain cooperation. Up to now, there are 7 factories under TCL Industry that have obtained the national "green factory" certification. It is worth mentioning that TCL has obtained the first electrical carbon label certification in China. TCL LCD TV backlight control system can save about 40% of power consumption.

     TCL Wei Xue: Green is the background of high-quality development of enterprises

    TCL Photovoltaic low carbon campus

        In addition to continuously practicing green and sustainable development, TCL also enables ESG innovation capabilities to other enterprises and public welfare fields. For example, the dual carbon digital products of energy developed by Gertron Dongzhi, an industrial Internet platform enterprise under TCL Industry, have helped more than 50 factories in 12 industries achieve intelligent management of energy systems, reducing carbon emissions by about 150000 tons in total. In the field of education and public welfare, TCL will build 20 TCL photovoltaic low-carbon campuses nationwide in 2023 with the help of TCL's advantages in the middle ring industry, and launch a new systematic photovoltaic learning aid model with version 2.0 at the same time; Six colleges and universities across the country have established a TCL college donation system to help cultivate scientific research talents.

        TCL has been recognized for its continuous attention and practice on ESG for many years, and has been selected into the "Fortune China ESG Influence List" for many times. Today, green development has become TCL's long-term business strategy and global brand strategy. In the face of global climate and environmental challenges, no organization or individual can be isolated. In the future, TCL is willing to work with all sectors of society to take the initiative and contribute green power to build a better world.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: TCL Wei Xue: Green is the background of high-quality development of enterprises true report two thousand six hundred and sixty-nine On June 14, Wei Xue, Vice President of TCL Technology Group, Director of ESG Office, and President of TCL Public Welfare Foundation, was invited to attend the "ESG Innovation and High Quality Enterprise Development Forum" to share TCL's latest practices and innovative ideas in the ESG field and help Chinese enterprises achieve green and sustainable development. Wei Xue said in his speech, "Green development is TCL's high-quality development
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