
    The king of lithography machine! ASML ASML founder died

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Zhao Wusheng

    According to information provided by foreign media, on the evening of June 11 local time, ASML Asmaifa, a Dutch lithography giant, reported that Wim Troost, one of the company's founders, died in the morning of June 8.

     The king of lithography machine! ASML ASML founder died

    Asma's official account sent a document saying:“ One of our founders, Wim Troost, died. During his leadership of ASML, we were trying to win the first customer. His vision, leadership and perseverance inspired many generations after him. We extend our deepest condolences to Wim's family.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The king of lithography machine! ASML ASML founder died true report three hundred and thirty According to information provided by foreign media, on the evening of June 11 local time, ASML Asmaifa, a Dutch lithography giant, reported that Wim Troost, one of the company's founders, died in the morning of June 8. The official account of Asma said: "One of our founders, Wim Troost, died unfortunately. During his leadership of ASML, we were trying to win the first customer. His distance
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