
    Prepare for an overall price increase! TSMC prepares to raise 3nm price

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: August 8

    This is bad news for ordinary consumers. The supply chain said that TSMC intended to provide the price of its advanced processes, such as 3nm process. This means that the products adopting 3nm technology in the future will transfer this part of cost to consumers. At present, TSMC's 3nm process has been applied by Apple, Qualcomm, Nvidia and AMD It has been divided and scheduled to 2026.

     Prepare for an overall price increase! TSMC prepares to raise 3nm price

    This also means that, starting from the price rise of TSMC, the prices of products under these brands will be further adjusted, such as the upcoming iPhone 16 series RTX Series 50 Graphics card , Qualcomm, Intel and AMD.

    From the perspective of time nodes, the price of products launched in the second half of this year may be increased, especially high-end products.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Prepare for an overall price increase! TSMC prepares to raise 3nm price true report four hundred and sixty This is bad news for ordinary consumers. The supply chain said that TSMC intended to provide the price of its advanced processes, such as 3nm process. This means that the products adopting 3nm technology in the future will transfer this part of cost to consumers. At present, TSMC's 3nm process has been divided by Apple, Qualcomm, Nvidia and AMD, and has been scheduled to 2026. This also means that
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