
    Huawei AI chip ushers in breakthrough performance surpassing Nvidia products

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: August 8

    At present, Chinese enterprises need strong computing power to train in AI. Previously, they mostly bought NVIDIA products, but later, for well-known reasons, Chinese enterprises could only buy low performance products at high prices. Now that is about to change. According to media reports, the performance of Huawei's Ascend 910B chip has been very strong.

     Huawei AI chip ushers in breakthrough performance surpassing Nvidia products

    Ascend 910B has surpassed Nvidia A100 in AI training performance, with a leading margin of 20%. Even though it may lag behind in terms of ecology, it can be predicted that Ascend 910B will still get a very good order volume with its stronger performance.

    And the current market trend also shows that Chinese enterprises prefer domestic hardware products to foreign products with high price and low configuration.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Huawei AI chip ushers in breakthrough performance surpassing Nvidia products true report four hundred and seventy-four At present, Chinese enterprises need strong computing power to train in AI. Previously, they mostly bought NVIDIA products, but later, for well-known reasons, Chinese enterprises could only buy low performance products at high prices. Now that is about to change. According to media reports, the performance of Huawei's Ascend 910B chip has been very strong. Ascend 910B in AI training performance
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