
    Available in craftsman black/silver phantom and other appearances, Samsung Galaxy Z Fold/Flip6 mobile phone color matching exposure

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Scattered Star Sand

    On June 11, news about the Samsung Galaxy Unpacked event attracted people's attention. It is reported that this activity will be held on July 10, and the new products expected to be released include Galaxy Z Fold6 And Galaxy Z Flip6 mobile phone At present, the specific configuration and appearance design of these two mobile phones are not clear.

    According to relevant information, Galaxy Z Fold6 series phones will be available in black, white, navy, pink, silver shadow, peach and other colors; The Galaxy Z Flip6 series phones will be available in black, white, mint, blue, silver shadow and yellow.

    In addition, a poster shows that the appearance of both phones has become more square, and the size of the camera ring is slightly larger and more convex than that of Z Fold5. However, it is uncertain whether the sensor size is increased or the appearance is purely changed. In addition, this event will also release Galaxy Ring smart ring, which is expected to inject various AI functions to meet the personalized needs of users.

    In general, Samsung Galaxy Unpacked is highly anticipated, and consumers have high hopes for the upcoming new products.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Available in craftsman black/silver phantom and other appearances, Samsung Galaxy Z Fold/Flip6 mobile phone color matching exposure true report seven hundred and twenty-four On June 11, news about the Samsung Galaxy Unpacked event attracted people's attention. It is reported that this event will be held on July 10, and the expected new products include Galaxy Z Fold6 and Galaxy Z Flip6 mobile phones. At present, the specific configuration and appearance design of these two mobile phones are not clear. According to relevant information, Galaxy Z Fold6 series mobile phones will be available in black, white, navy
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