
    Volkswagen responded to a 20% cost reduction report: it is not layoff, but will optimize cost and efficiency

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Milk Saury

     Volkswagen responded to a 20% cost reduction report: it is not layoff, but will optimize cost and efficiency

    Volkswagen responded to a 20% cost reduction report: it is not layoff, but will optimize cost and efficiency

    Recently, it was reported that Volkswagen plans to reduce its personnel costs by 20% in the next three years, and indirect labor costs are not equal to layoffs. Volkswagen officially responded to this.

    "KI 10" is the "Efficiency Program" efficiency plan proposed by the headquarters. The goal is to increase efficiency by 20% in the next three years on the basis of 2023. This plan involves Volkswagen China.

    It is reported that the "KI 10" performance project has set a clear goal: compared with 2023, it will reduce costs by 20% in the next three years, including fixed costs and personnel costs. The fierce competition in the Chinese market has brought additional financial pressure to Volkswagen. In order to remain competitive, they must invest now for the future and strengthen their profitability.

    It is worth noting that since last year, Volkswagen China's team has been working hard to implement the performance plan locally. As for the content of the circulated documents, they said that it was related to the electrification transformation, strengthening competition and cost reduction and efficiency increase.

    In addition, Volkswagen Group also plans to introduce more than 40 new models to the Chinese market, half of which are new energy vehicles. In the first quarter of this year, the delivery volume of Volkswagen China increased by 8% to 693600 vehicles. The number of pure electric vehicles increased by 91% to 41000.

    Therefore, it can be seen that in the next three years, Volkswagen Group is actively reducing the cost of personnel, while also trying to expand the market and promote the development of new energy vehicles.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Volkswagen responded to a 20% cost reduction report: it is not layoff, but will optimize cost and efficiency true report nine hundred and forty Volkswagen responded to a 20% cost reduction report: it is not layoff, but will optimize cost and efficiency. Recently, it was reported that Volkswagen plans to reduce staff costs by 20% in the next three years, and indirect labor costs are not equal to layoffs. Volkswagen officially responded to this. "KI 10" is the "Efficiency Program" efficiency plan proposed by the headquarters. The goal is to build on 2023, and in the next three years
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