
    PS5 architect: It may be shorter to develop a new host than to develop a new 3A

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: No. 13 Hutong

     PS5 architect: It may be shorter to develop a new host than to develop a new 3A

    Recently, famous designers PS5 Architect Mark Selney was interviewed and expressed his views on the current situation of the industry and the time cost of making a new work and the host computer.

    Selney believes that the time required to design the PS6 may be shorter than the time required for a game from production to launch. He revealed that one of his goals for the PS4 and PS5 is called "triangle time", that is, to shorten "the time required to move the game to the screen". However, he also pointed out that today's game development cycle is getting longer and longer, resulting in many doubts about the "triangle time".

    Selney explained: "I saw someone ask, 'Since the goal of the game console is to shorten the time, why is the production cycle so long?' In fact, it depends on the choice of developers. What they pursue is those large-scale works that really need four or six years to complete." He further pointed out that in the current market environment, "big production" It will take at least four years to complete, and more ambitious games will take longer.

    Serne's view has been confirmed. As we did recently in the PS As seen in the press conference and the summer game festival, the players' response to the game content developed for a long time was dull, and rarely surprised them. This phenomenon makes players feel depressed and leads to people's doubts about "triangle time".

    Therefore, in the current game market, we need to focus on how to improve the "triangle time" in order to bring more high-quality works to players. Only in this way can we ensure the sustainable development of the game industry and bring better entertainment experience to players.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: PS5 architect: It may be shorter to develop a new host than to develop a new 3A true report nine hundred and ninety-six Recently, Mark Selney, a famous designer and PS5 architect, was interviewed and expressed his views on the current situation of the industry and the time cost of producing a new product and host computer. Selney believes that the time required to design the PS6 may be shorter than the time required for a game from production to launch. He revealed that one of his goals for PS4 and PS5 is called "triangle time", that is, to shorten "moving the game..."
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