
    The Black Robed Sentinel will shoot the fifth season after the end of the fourth season, which is more chaotic and crazy

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Latte without ice

     The Black Robed Sentinel will shoot the fifth season after the end of the fourth season, which is more chaotic and crazy

    Although the fourth season of "The Black Robed Sentinel" has not been broadcast yet, producer Eric Kripke has hinted that the fifth season will be more chaotic and crazy. In an interview, he was asked about the plans for the next season and whether the actors knew the fate of their roles.

    Kripke revealed that even he did not know what the fifth season would be like, because the writers had only been working for a month. He said: "We are still in a very early stage, still in the discussion stage." But he said that there are some very crazy ideas in the team are brewing.

    It is worth mentioning that the fourth season of the Black Robed picket will be broadcast on June 13. Coming soon!

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The Black Robed Sentinel will shoot the fifth season after the end of the fourth season, which is more chaotic and crazy true report four hundred and five Although the fourth season of "The Black Robed Sentinel" has not been broadcast yet, producer Eric Kripke has hinted that the fifth season will be more chaotic and crazy. In an interview, he was asked about the plans for the next season and whether the actors knew the fate of their roles. Kripke revealed that even he did not know what the fifth season would be like, because the writers had only been working for a month. He said, "I
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