
    Pay attention to mobile phone safety! Apple urgently pushes iOS 17.5.1 system update

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Lin Yousan

     Pay attention to mobile phone safety! Apple urgently pushes iOS 17.5.1 system update

    Recently, Apple is targeting some iPhone Users push emergency update notifications. This update is intended to help FaceTime call anti fraud and prevent other security risks. Users can click the relevant notice to update iPhone urgently to get the latest features and fixes.

    According to the information obtained from the query, this emergency update version is iOS 17.5.1, which was released on May 21. This version update mainly brings about important error repair, and solves the problem that in very few cases, deleted photos may reappear in the "Photos" gallery due to database corruption.

    It is worth noting that on April 5 this year, the Internet Security Bureau of the public security department issued a warning that some criminals posed as "financial platform customer service", "other relevant departments in other places" and used Apple FaceTime video phones to conduct fraud activities, causing huge losses to the victims.

    The police remind that the relevant departments will not take telephone calls WeChat QQ And video phone and other remote methods to investigate and collect evidence from suspects; Will not propose to purchase new products on the grounds of "confidentiality" mobile phone , mobile phone card and other requirements; Will not show the important evidence in the case to the parties through pictures or other means; Nor will they ask about the bank's fund account and request for fund transfer through the network, or ask for bank card information and transaction password. All legal documents presented through websites, apps and other means are fraud.

    Finally, FaceTime is a video call used internally by Apple Software , you can realize high-definition video call function between two devices equipped with FaceTime.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Pay attention to mobile phone safety! Apple urgently pushes iOS 17.5.1 system update true report nine hundred and seventy-two Recently, Apple pushed an emergency update notice to some iPhone users. This update is intended to help FaceTime call anti fraud and prevent other security risks. Users can click the relevant notice to update iPhone urgently to get the latest features and fixes. According to the information obtained from the query, this emergency update version is iOS 17.5.1, which was released on May 21. This version update mainly brings
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