
    The new CMOS Huawei Mate70 series released by Haowei Q4 is expected to be launched!

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Milk Saury

     The new CMOS Huawei Mate70 series released by Haowei Q4 is expected to be launched!

    In the first half of 2021 mobile phone With the appearance of brand flagship machines, the progress of mobile phone imaging technology has again become the focus of the industry. However, different from previous years, Howell, as the main CMOS supplier, occupies an important position in the flagship models this year. Consumers are particularly looking forward to Huawei Mate70 series launched in the second half of the year.

    It is understood that the digital blogger revealed that Howell plans to release a new image sensor CMOS in the fourth quarter, and it is expected that Huawei Mate70 series will be equipped with this new CMOS. Although the blogger did not disclose the specific technical details of the new CMOS, it can be confirmed that Huawei Mate70 series will achieve significant improvement in image compared with the previous generation.

    In addition to the innovation in imaging technology, Huawei Mate70 series has also changed its operating system. According to reliable sources, it is very likely that the new machine will be built with Hongmeng Galaxy version, namely Hongmeng NEXT version. This version, known as "pure blood Hongmeng", will be completely cut off from Android system and no longer compatible with Android APK.

    Huawei has invested a lot of energy in the Hongmeng native plan this year, and has reached native adaptation cooperation with head applications. By the end of the first quarter, it had achieved the "Hongmeng" of 4000 Android applications. It is not far from the goal of 5000 Hongmeng native applications throughout the year.

    In a word, Huawei Mate 70 series will become a model attracting much attention in the second half of this year.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The new CMOS Huawei Mate70 series released by Haowei Q4 is expected to be launched! true report eight hundred and forty-nine With the appearance of flagship phones of major mobile phone brands in the first half of 2021, the progress of mobile phone imaging technology has again become the focus of the industry. However, different from previous years, Howell, as the main CMOS supplier, occupies an important position in the flagship models this year. Consumers are particularly looking forward to Huawei Mate70 series launched in the second half of the year. It is understood that the digital blogger revealed that Howell plans to be in the fourth
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