
    Sony's comments on Neil Studio are over edited! The producer angrily denounces its misinterpretation

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Scattered Star Sand

     Sony's comments on Neil Studio are over edited! The producer angrily denounces its misinterpretation

    Recently, the media reported that the leader of Neil Studio said that his new work would reshape the mainstream game concept. However, the insider quickly clarified this statement and pointed out that Sony The company has over edited its interview content.

    In his unedited full answer, Neil made it clear that his game did not need to be like a movie or TV series. However, in the version released by Sony, this part of the content has been deleted.

    Neil pointed out that Sony's editing behavior led to his original intention being misinterpreted and blurred. As a senior game producer, he may pay more attention to the uniqueness of the game rather than catering to public values.

    For issuers and investors, they are more inclined to seek works that can attract a large number of audiences. Therefore, this divergence of orientation and development direction may be reflected in his next work.

    It is worth mentioning that Neil claims that Sony has made significant changes to his comments, which reflects the contradiction and competitive relationship between the producer and the publisher. In the future, the interaction between these two aspects will become the focus of the industry.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Sony's comments on Neil Studio are over edited! The producer angrily denounces its misinterpretation true report six hundred and eighty-eight Recently, the media reported that the leader of Neil Studio said that his new work would reshape the mainstream game concept. However, the insider quickly clarified this statement and pointed out that Sony had over edited its interview content. In his unedited full answer, Neil made it clear that his game did not need to be like a movie or TV series. However, in Sony's release
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