
    Inter Milan's "Suning Era" ended! Zhang Kangyang sent a farewell message: This is the greatest honor in my life

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Milk Saury

     Inter Milan's "Suning Era" ended! Zhang Kangyang sent a farewell message: This is the greatest honor in my life

    When the Suning era ended, Zhang Kangyang, President of Inter Milan Football Club, officially sent a farewell message. In his long article, he reviewed his career at Inter and expressed his gratitude to the management team, players and fans. Zhang Kangyang said that being the manager of Inter Milan is both a great honor and a great responsibility. He will cherish and care for the people of Inter Milan and believes that Inter Milan will repay with great achievements and joy.

    It is understood that Oak Capital, an American fund, recently announced that it took over Inter Milan due to the failure of Inter Milan Holdings to repay the loan and interest. This loan will expire on May 21, 2024, with a total amount of about 395 million euros. In May 2021, Suning Holding's Inter Milan obtained a three-year loan from Oak Capital with a value of 275 million euros and an annual interest rate of 12%. The loan is guaranteed by the shares of Inter Milan. If Suning fails to repay the loan with interest and principal on schedule, Oaktree Capital has the right to enforce the pledge of shares of Inter Milan and become the owner of the club.

    According to the data, on June 6, 2016, Suning announced the acquisition of Inter Milan Club. In October 2018, at the age of 26, Zhang Kangyang became the youngest chairman in the history of Inter Milan Club.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Inter Milan's "Suning Era" ended! Zhang Kangyang sent a farewell message: This is the greatest honor in my life true report seven hundred and twenty-three When the Suning era ended, Zhang Kangyang, President of Inter Milan Football Club, officially sent a farewell message. In his long article, he reviewed his career at Inter and expressed his gratitude to the management team, players and fans. Zhang Kangyang said that being the manager of Inter Milan is both a great honor and a great responsibility. He will cherish and care for the people of Inter Milan. He believes that Inter Milan will make great achievements and
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