
    Players found the unopened silver PS2 in the garage: the highest value is 2800 dollars!

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Summer of Mint Candy

     Players found the unopened silver PS2 in the garage: the highest value is 2800 dollars!

    This is a new unopened silver PS2 console, which was recently found by a player in his garage. This recreational machines It occupies an important position in the history of game consoles and is a childhood memory of many players. Now, this host has aroused heated discussion among netizens.

    A netizen asked about the value of this PS2 host in his post. He said that the host is still intact and has no traces of unpacking, so its value is considerable. At the same time, many netizens suggested that the discoverer keep this host, so that its value will be higher.

    At present, a similar new silver PS2 host can be found on eBay at a price between 1000 and 2000 dollars. A few sellers even pushed their prices up to nearly $2800.

    The discovery of this new silver PS2 console reminds people of the past game console market and those wonderful childhood days. For those who like to collect game hardware or are only interested in this history, this PS2 console is undoubtedly a rare collection.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Players found the unopened silver PS2 in the garage: the highest value is 2800 dollars! true report six hundred and twenty-seven This is a new unopened silver PS2 console, which was recently found by a player in his garage. This game console occupies an important position in the history of game consoles and is a childhood memory of many players. Now, this host has aroused heated discussion among netizens. A netizen asked about the value of this PS2 host in his post. He said that the host is still intact, and there is no
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