
    Sound Effect Production of Tears of the Kingdom: How Foreigner Operates

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Summer of Mint Candy

     Sound Effect Production of Tears of the Kingdom: How Foreigner Operates

    On the first anniversary of the anniversary, players of the Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom immersed themselves in the game, enjoying various sound effects and music of the game. Recently, Shun Hayami, the sound effect programmer of the game, revealed some details of the sound effect production of Tears of the Kingdom on the Nintendo recruitment website.

    Hayami said: "All kinds of sounds heard in the game are created jointly by sound designers and programmers. For example, when two objects collide, different sounds need to be played according to materials, shapes and impact forces. These sound data are created by sound designers, and we are responsible for playing them." He also mentioned that, When designing these sounds, we encountered some problems: "The biggest problem at that time was that we needed to make different sounds according to the rolling or sliding of objects on the surface. For example, the sound of an iron ball rolling down a slope was different from the sound it made when sliding and falling; the sound of a tire rolling or sliding was also different. However, the noise mismatch will also occur when rolling in place. "

    In order to solve this problem, Hayami changed his way of thinking: "I changed my attention from 'Is it rolling?' to 'Is it sliding?' Then I used the speed of the object's contact point to determine whether the object was sliding rather than rotating. At the same time, if the object moved without sliding, it was judged to be rolling and played the corresponding sound." This method successfully solves the problem of noise matching.

    For more information, please follow the "Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom" section.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Sound Effect Production of Tears of the Kingdom: How Foreigner Operates true report nine hundred and thirty-one On the first anniversary of the anniversary, players of the Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom immersed themselves in the game, enjoying various sound effects and music of the game. Recently, Shun Hayami, the sound effect programmer of the game, revealed some details of the sound effect production of Tears of the Kingdom on the Nintendo recruitment website. Hayami said: "All kinds of sounds heard in the game are created by sound designers and programmers. For example
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