
    The development team of new Huangpai air combat works has finalized the 8th generation, which is expected to become the most popular in the series

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Lin Yousan

     The development team of new Huangpai air combat works has finalized the 8th generation, which is expected to become the most popular in the series

    Recently, the news of the new work development team of the Huangpai Air Battle series has attracted wide attention. According to relevant reports, Bandai Nanmenggong is looking for a new development team to take charge of the latest works of the "Imperial Air Battle" series.

    According to reliable sources, Huangpai Air Combat 8 has entered the development stage and is expected to become the next important project. As Wandai Nanmenggong has confirmed that it will participate in the summer game festival, this event may bring more new information about "Royal Air Battle 8".

    It is worth mentioning that the previous work "Royal Air Battle 7 Unknown Sky" was launched on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms on January 17, 2019, and has sold more than 2.5 million sets so far, breaking the sales record of this series.

    With the development work in full swing, "Ace Air Battle 8" is expected to become a new work that players have been looking forward to for a long time. We will also pay close attention to this event and bring you the latest news.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The development team of new Huangpai air combat works has finalized the 8th generation, which is expected to become the most popular in the series true report five hundred and sixty Recently, the news of the new work development team of the Huangpai Air Battle series has attracted wide attention. According to relevant reports, Bandai Nanmenggong is looking for a new development team to take charge of the latest works of the "Imperial Air Battle" series. According to reliable sources, Huangpai Air Combat 8 has entered the development stage and is expected to become the next important project. As Wandai Nanmeng Palace has confirmed that it will participate in the summer game
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