
    These classic APPs will disappear completely in Win11 Microsoft will not update

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Latte without ice

     These classic APPs will disappear completely in Win11 Microsoft will not update

    Microsoft recently announced that Cortana, WordPad, Tips and other applications will be removed. These applications will disappear completely in the upcoming version of Windows 11 24H2.

    Cortana is Microsoft's virtual assistant, which has stopped supporting since last June, and has been removed in the Windows 11 update last October. Microsoft said that because Cortana has become an independent application, and users can browser Access its supporting documents, so the app has been abandoned.

    WordPad is an application with a history of 28 years. It has been a pre installed application of Windows since Windows 95. However, due to the inactive development for a long time, Microsoft decided to remove it through Windows Update and recommended users to use Microsoft Word To process rich text documents and use Windows Notepad to process plain text documents.

    Tips application is one of the important tools pre installed in Win11 system. It provides users with help to quickly learn new functions and skills. Although Microsoft once thought it was an important way to understand the functions of Windows, it has also announced that it will be removed from Windows 11 24H2.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: These classic APPs will disappear completely in Win11 Microsoft will not update true report seven hundred and fifty-nine Microsoft recently announced that Cortana, WordPad, Tips and other applications will be removed. These applications will disappear completely in the upcoming version of Windows 11 24H2. Cortana is Microsoft's virtual assistant, which has stopped supporting since last June, and has been removed in the Windows 11 update last October. Microsoft said that because Cor
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