
    The game was cut too hard? Hell Hidden 2 may be rolled back for adjustment

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Two or three cups of cola

     The game was cut too hard? Hell Hidden 2 may be rolled back for adjustment

    Recently, some of the favorite weapons of the players of Helldiver 2 have been greatly weakened, which makes the experience of the game a little boring. However, the developer Arrowhead admitted that they may have done a bit too radical in the balance adjustment, which now sounds likely to be partially corrected in the next patch.

    Twinbeard, the community manager, briefly introduced the upcoming patch package: "This update will include some balance adjustments, new content and improvements." Recently, the company made a controversial change to the generation frequency of enemy patrol teams, which will also be canceled in the "next update".

    Twinbeard said, "We can't elaborate any more", because any disclosure of its specific content is likely to trigger widespread speculation. He also explained that the reason why the team chose to spend more time dealing with these problems rather than immediately releasing patches was that "we mainly want to leave more time for development work so that we can deal with things better, because the current development speed is too fast, which will have a negative impact on the quality of the game".

    He said, "This kind of patch package may continue." This will allow the team to spend more time on balancing the patch package to avoid accidentally breaking the interesting mechanism in the game. However, it seems that the next patch package will indeed have considerable rollback adjustments. (Source: Gamesradar)

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The game was cut too hard? Hell Hidden 2 may be rolled back for adjustment true report eight hundred and sixty-six Recently, some of the favorite weapons of the players of Helldiver 2 have been greatly weakened, which makes the experience of the game a little boring. However, the developer Arrowhead admitted that they may have done a bit too radical in the balance adjustment, which now sounds likely to be partially corrected in the next patch. Twinbeard, the community manager, briefly introduced the upcoming
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