
    The man forges the ticket of Jay Chou's Changsha concert and is detained by the police

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: One penny moon

     The man forges the ticket of Jay Chou's Changsha concert and is detained by the police

    Recently, the Public Security Branch of Changsha Public Security Bureau received a report from the public that someone had illegally pre sold and forged tickets for Jay Chou's concert. After the police investigation, it was found that the suspect Zou Mou (male, 30 years old) had claimed since January this year that he had channels to buy tickets for Jay Chou's Changsha concert and passed WeChat Network channels such as circle of friends provide "pre-sale" services. According to statistics, more than 600 tickets have been pre purchased.

    However, as the ticket issuing period approached, Zou failed to deliver the real ticket, so he contacted Qing Mouwei (male, 30 years old) to make fake tickets to get through. At present, 250 fake tickets have been produced.

    Fortunately, the public security organ found and recovered more than 700000 yuan of stolen money in time, and detained the suspects Zou and Qing according to law. The case is still under further investigation. Jay Chou fans, please pay attention to prevent such fraud, and must purchase tickets through official channels to avoid being cheated.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The man forges the ticket of Jay Chou's Changsha concert and is detained by the police true report five hundred and forty-nine Recently, the Public Security Branch of Changsha Public Security Bureau received a report from the public that someone had illegally pre sold and forged tickets for Jay Chou's concert. After investigation, the police found that the suspect Zou Mou (male, 30 years old) has claimed that he has channels to buy tickets for Jay Chou's Changsha concert since January this year, and provides "pre-sale" services through WeChat friends circle and other online channels. According to statistics, more than 600 tickets were
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