
    Stealth+Parkour "Siege and Sand Fox" goes on sale Steam supports Chinese

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: The sea is the reflection of the sky

     Stealth+Parkour "Siege and Sand Fox" goes on sale Steam supports Chinese

    Siege and Sand Fox: Exploring the stealth of palaces and ruins Parkour Siege and Sand Fox is a new 2D horizontal action adventure, which has been officially launched recently Steam platform The game is expected to be officially released within the year, and supports the Chinese version. Players will take an adventure in the palace and prison of the kingdom, play the legendary assassin Sha Hu, explore and reveal the real threat of desert demons in the underground ruins.

    The characteristics of Siege and Sand Fox are as follows:

    -Combined with the type of "Galaxy Warrior Demon City" and sneak elements Parkour game.

    -The game scene is drawn with exquisite 16 bit pixels, and the visual effect is modern.

    -Dynamic sound effects create a tense atmosphere and prompt potential crises.

    -There are plenty of non player characters waiting for your discovery and help.

    -It is necessary to avoid the enemy, escape capture, and find other ways to deal with various threats.

    -Players need to master skills and find tools to open new areas that have not been explored.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Stealth+Parkour "Siege and Sand Fox" goes on sale Steam supports Chinese true report five hundred and eighty-five Siege and Sand Fox: The stealth parkour game of exploring palaces and ruins, Siege and Sand Fox, is a new 2D horizontal action adventure, which has officially landed on Steam platform recently. The game is expected to be officially released within the year, and supports the Chinese version. Players will adventure in the palace and prison of the kingdom, play the legendary assassin Sha Hu, explore and reveal the real threat of desert demons in the underground ruins
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