
    Tesla's latest data: the new car's endurance is quite different from that after three years of use

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Latte without ice

     Tesla's latest data: the new car's endurance is quite different from that after three years of use

    On May 20, Tesla released a blog post. Based on the analysis of the battery data of 12198 Tesla vehicles, it showed that after three years on the road, the driving range of Model 3 and Model Y would be reduced by about 6-8.5%.

    This analysis was conducted by collecting battery data of 7078 Model 3 and 5120 Model Y. The total amount of observation data used is close to 1.6 million times (about 130 observation data per vehicle). The report shows that after about three years, the average endurance mileage of Tesla Model 3 and Model Y is only about 64% of the original endurance mileage published by the EPA. However, it is worth noting that in actual driving, Recurrent never observed that Tesla could reach the EPA range advertised.

    It seems that this problem is not only for Tesla. Recurrent believes that there is a problem with EPA's basic endurance test method. This test does not take into account temperature changes or high speed driving over 60 miles, and also allows the manufacturer to make adjustments.

    Therefore, if calculated according to the actual mileage of new cars and the mileage after three years of use, it is expected that the mileage will be reduced by 6% to 8.5%. This indicates that the endurance of future electric vehicles in actual use may be affected to some extent.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Tesla's latest data: the new car's endurance is quite different from that after three years of use true report seven hundred and sixty-eight On May 20, Tesla released a blog post. Based on the analysis of the battery data of 12198 Tesla vehicles, it showed that after three years on the road, the driving range of Model 3 and Model Y would be reduced by about 6-8.5%. This analysis was conducted by collecting battery data of 7078 Model 3 and 5120 Model Y. The total amount of observation data used is close to 1.6 million times (about 1
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