
    Why did "low charge" become "money laundering"? The Ministry of Justice issued a warning

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Lin Yousan

     Why did "low charge" become "money laundering"? The Ministry of Justice issued a warning

    On May 26, the official official account of the Ministry of Justice unveiled the routine of "low charge" to "money laundering". The article mentioned the case of netizens Ms. Li and Mr. Zhang, who were defrauded after purchasing low price recharge services on second-hand shopping platforms and third-party e-commerce platforms.

    Criminals attract victims by issuing various preferential recharge advertisements. After the victim purchases the goods for recharging, the criminal usually promises to "arrive at the account within one week", and then use these funds for overseas fraud. Victim B will tell the victim mobile phone Account scanning payment or direct charging of phone charges and other methods are transferred to the fraudster to complete the "laundering" of the stolen money.

    During this period, the police tracked down and banned the victim's mobile phone number. Therefore, under the high-intensity anti fraud prevention and control system, even if the case is reported, the mobile phone can not be prevented from being banned.

    The Ministry of Justice reminded the general public to guard against being cheated and strengthen the awareness of risk prevention. At the same time, when shopping online, you should choose formal channels, verify the seller's information and retain relevant evidence for future rights protection.

    In addition, the Ministry of Justice also called on all parties in the society to work together to combat the criminal activities of telecommunications network fraud, strengthen technical protection and risk monitoring, and improve the public's risk awareness.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Why did "low charge" become "money laundering"? The Ministry of Justice issued a warning true report seven hundred and fifty-eight On May 26, the official official account of the Ministry of Justice unveiled the routine of "low charge" to "money laundering". The article mentioned the case of netizens Ms. Li and Mr. Zhang, who were defrauded after purchasing low price recharge services on second-hand shopping platforms and third-party e-commerce platforms. Criminals attract victims by issuing various preferential recharge advertisements. After the victim has purchased the goods for recharging, the criminal has
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