
    Ubisoft's masterpiece Black Sails in the Blue Sea is a free trial for all

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: One penny moon

    Ubisoft is about to launch its second season of multiplayer online pirate game "Blue Sea and Black Sail". In order to let more players experience this game, the company decided to hold a free trial activity in the first week of the new season (May 30 to June 6). During the one week trial period, all game content will be open to all players without any restrictions. The progress made by players during the free trial will continue until the official version is purchased.

    It is worth noting that the second season of Blue Sea and Black Sail contains four chapters. During the whole season, the game will continuously add new elements such as enemies, targets, ships, weapons, sea monsters and time limited activities, and carry out a lot of repair and play adjustment work. At the same time, Ubisoft will also introduce a new version update to improve the game experience of players.

    It is worth mentioning that "Blue Sea and Black Sail" has previously received a high rating of 7 points from IGN, saying that its sea battle experience is excellent but the plot is slightly weak. The release of the second season undoubtedly brought more expectations and surprises to the players.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Ubisoft's masterpiece Black Sails in the Blue Sea is a free trial for all true report six hundred and forty-five Ubisoft is about to launch its second season of multiplayer online pirate game "Blue Sea and Black Sail". In order to let more players experience this game, the company decided to hold a free trial activity in the first week of the new season (May 30 to June 6). During the one week trial period, all game content will be open to all players without any restrictions. Player gains during the free trial period
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