
    30 year old Dao friend played DOTA2 to raise the ladder score from commander to champion

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Two or three cups of cola

     30 year old Dao friend played DOTA2 to raise the ladder score from commander to champion

    Recently, a 30-year-old knife friend was in DOTA2 Has made a remarkable achievement. In the "Perfect E-sports" APP community, he shared the story of his success in elevating Tiantiafen from commander in chief to champion.

    In July, the player posted that he was already 30 years old, his current ladder score was Commander 1, and he was also faced with problems such as overweight, unemployment, balding and depression. However, he set up a flag and said that he would be promoted to the top in this year, and hoped that his weight would return to 160 kg (160KG). A few months later, he shared the photos of his successful promotion to the top.

    When asked whether his weight has changed, the player revealed that his weight is currently 100KG, and has not changed. It seems that in the eyes of this knife friend, playing DOTA2 is easier than losing weight.

    Of course, the example of "upgrading from commander in chief to champion" is not common, unless you have very strong operational ability. Someone in the comment area also shared his own story. He said that he was 32 years old, but Tianti Fen was still the commander in chief, and has now upgraded Tianti Fen to extraordinary 1. However, in the community APP, there are still more posts that are difficult to improve, such as "I am over 30 years old, and at present Tianti points are still commander/legend".

    In short, there are still a few players who can successfully raise the score of Tianti to the top.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: 30 year old Dao friend played DOTA2 to raise the ladder score from commander to champion true report eight hundred and seven Recently, a 30-year-old knife friend made a remarkable achievement in DOTA2. In the "Perfect E-sports" APP community, he shared the story of his success in elevating Tiantiafen from commander in chief to champion. In July, the player posted that he was already 30 years old, his current ladder score was Commander 1, and he was also faced with problems such as overweight, unemployment, balding and depression. However, he set down fl
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