
    Epic Games Store Mysterious Gift Game Suspected of Disclosing Knight Spirit 2 Maybe Go Live Next Week

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Breeze and Deer

     Epic Games Store Mysterious Gift Game Suspected of Disclosing Knight Spirit 2 Maybe Go Live Next Week

    According to reliable data miner billbill kun, the free games that Epic Game Mall will give away soon seem to have been leaked in advance. According to the official announcement, the game that will be provided for free from May 30 to June 6 is Chivalry 2.

    Chivalry 2 is a multi player first person hack game, inspired by the epic medieval movie battle. The game was developed by Torn Banner Studios and released by Tripwire Interactive in 2021. It received 82 high marks on the comment summary website Metacritical.

    The game is in Steam The price is 39.99 US dollars/35.99 pounds on the Epic game store, which is usually the same price. However, during the promotion, the price is only 116 yuan.

    Different from the games presented in the previous week, the ongoing "mysterious" gift activity will last four weeks until June 13. The game presented for the first week is Dragon Century: Trial - Annual Edition. In the next two weeks, what will be offered to players is "Sim Farm 22", which is now available for free until 11:00 p.m. Beijing time on May 30.

    This gift giving activity is carried out together with the super promotion activity being held in Epic Game Mall. This mysterious gift game and all subsequent gift works can be obtained through the platform, which is very attractive.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Epic Games Store Mysterious Gift Game Suspected of Disclosing Knight Spirit 2 Maybe Go Live Next Week true report eight hundred and forty-two According to reliable data miner billbill kun, the free games that Epic Game Mall will give away soon seem to have been leaked in advance. According to the official announcement, the game that will be provided for free from May 30 to June 6 is Chivalry 2. Chivalry 2 is a multi player first person hack game, inspired by the epic medieval movie battle. The game was developed by Torn Banner Studios and
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