
    Diablo 4 1.4.1 patch will be released soon, Lilith will make meritorious contributions without injury

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Scattered Star Sand

     Diablo 4 1.4.1 patch will be released soon, Lilith will make meritorious contributions without injury

    Diablo 4 will release 1.4.1 patch on May 28, which is the latest update released by Blizzard. According to the official announcement, this patch mainly makes minor repairs and supplements to the game functions and some unexpected playing methods, and does not change the strong playing methods of the fourth season.

    The following is a summary of the key points of this update:

    In terms of master strengthening system: the gold consumption has been significantly adjusted, and the gold consumption has basically remained unchanged from Level 1-8, but the gold demand for Level 12 strengthening has significantly decreased; At the same time, the transformation of materials strengthened by the master has also been optimized, which can automatically use advanced stones to transform low-grade stones; In addition, the unlocking conditions have also been adjusted. Now only one role needs to pass customs and share all accounts to unlock.

    In terms of astigmatic prisms: the drop rate increases significantly, goblins and butchers will drop more punches, and the world Boss will drop more punches with difficulty; In addition, the unlimited veins and rage problems that appeared in the Hell Rush have been repaired.

    In addition, the problem of invisible air wall in the infernal frenzy has been solved, and players are no longer stuck and unable to move during the game; At the same time, Lilith's bug repair is also in progress. As long as the player's account has achievements in defeating Lilith, it will get the electric flower directly after the version is updated, without defeating Lilith again.

    To sum up, the 1.4.1 patch of Diablo 4 will bring about a series of optimizations and improvements, which is an important update for players. However, please note that the above is only a brief introduction of part of the content, and the details are subject to the official announcement.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Diablo 4 1.4.1 patch will be released soon, Lilith will make meritorious contributions without injury true report nine hundred and twenty-seven Diablo 4 will release 1.4.1 patch on May 28, which is the latest update released by Blizzard. According to the official announcement, this patch mainly makes minor repairs and supplements to the game functions and some unexpected playing methods, and does not change the strong playing methods of the fourth season. The following is a summary of the key points of this update: in terms of master strengthening the system, the gold consumption has been significantly adjusted, and the gold consumption from level 1-8 has basically remained unchanged
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