
    Musk's Comment on the Role Selection of Assassin's Creed: Shadow: "Diversity" Is Killing Art

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: The sea is the reflection of the sky

     Musk's Comment on the Role Selection of Assassin's Creed: Shadow: "Diversity" Is Killing Art

    On May 25, a blogger commented on《 Assassin's Creed The cast of Shadow published a comment and appealed to Ubisoft, the game developer, to postpone the release of the game in response to the online opposition to the diversified role setting. However, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, also responded to this post on the same platform, believing that "diversity" is killing art.

    According to the plan, The Assassin's Creed: Shadow will be launched on November 15 in Xbox Series X | S PS5 , Mac and PC (Ubisoft Connect) platforms. The work adopts a double protagonist setting, telling the interwoven story between the veteran ninja assassin Naisujiang from the country of Ika and the legendary warrior Mishu (possibly a black character).

    In the game, the players will travel to Japan in the 16th century. Under the background of the emergence of ruthless new alliances on the road of reunification and the intervention of foreign forces, social unrest has intensified. Players will operate Naixu River, who is proficient in ninja, and Maizhu, a powerful warrior in historical legends, and experience their personal stories, get to know key historical figures and shape their common destiny.

    The two protagonists have their own progress routes, skills, weapon options and attributes, including the stealth skills of the Naixu River and the fighting ability of Mizhu. Players can achieve their goals in a variety of ways. Players incarnating in Chennaixu River can experience a higher level of sneak in mechanism, and use light, noise, shadow and changing environment to avoid being found by the enemy; The player who incarnates as Mizhu can deal with more enemies accurately and effectively.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Musk's Comment on the Role Selection of Assassin's Creed: Shadow: "Diversity" Is Killing Art true report nine hundred and thirty-six On May 25, a blogger published a comment on the selection of roles in Assassin's Creed: Shadow on social media, and called on game developer Ubisoft to postpone the release of the game, in response to the online opposition to the diversified role setting. However, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, also responded to this post on the same platform, believing that "diversity" is killing art. According to plan
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