
    0 play also makes money? A new type of electronic fraud with editing class as its name involved more than 100 million yuan

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Breeze and Deer

     0 play also makes money? The new type of electronic fraud with editing class as its name involved more than 100 million yuan

    Recently, a new type of telecom fraud case named "editing class" has attracted wide attention. It is understood that the amount involved in this new type of electronic fraud has exceeded 100 million yuan.

    According to the police investigation, these fraudsters promised to help users achieve automatic editing of film and television commentary in the name of the Tipping Tone Zero Basic Cash Course. They claim that as long as these pre edited film and television clips are uploaded, they can get thousands of yuan of platform incentives every month even if there is no broadcast volume. At the same time, combined with other means of realization, the monthly account income can reach more than 10000 yuan.

    At present, the police in many parts of the country have investigated and dealt with several new cases of wire fraud under the name of "editing class". According to the police investigation, the number of victims in this wire fraud operation has exceeded tens of thousands, most of whom are middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old. The amount involved in this electronic fraud operation is up to hundreds of millions of yuan.

    Although this approach seems attractive, the police remind the general public to be wary of such scams and warn people not to trust the promise of the so-called "gold medal mentor". At the same time, the police also called on netizens to improve their awareness of self-protection and be cautious about online activities involving personal information and funds.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: 0 play also makes money? A new type of electronic fraud with editing class as its name involved more than 100 million yuan true report seven hundred and thirty-eight Recently, a new type of telecom fraud case named "editing class" has attracted wide attention. It is understood that the amount involved in this new type of electronic fraud has exceeded 100 million yuan. According to the police investigation, these fraudsters promised to help users achieve automatic editing of film and television commentary in the name of the Tipping Tone Zero Basic Cash Course. They claim that just upload these pre edited video clips
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