
    Netizens complain about "Assassin's Creed: Shadow". Musk: Diversity kills art

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Scattered Star Sand

     Netizens complain about "Assassin's Creed: Shadow". Musk: Diversity kills art

    Recently《 Assassin's Creed : The politically correct casting of Shadow has aroused the anger of global players. Some players discussed on social media whether the delayed release of Assassin's Creed: Shadow should be caused by the deliberate addition of diversified (DEI) elements by game companies. Unexpectedly, this attracted the attention of the famous entrepreneur Elon Musk.

    Musk responded that "Diversity (DEI) kills art." This statement immediately aroused the interest of some Twitter users who focus on political issues on X. They think that Musk is a sensible person.

    At the same time, some netizens questioned whether this account really belongs to Musk himself. As for whether the release of Assassin's Creed: Shadow should be postponed, some players said that it was too late. They believe that even if the game company has made deferred modifications, it will not Gamebook The body has a meaningful impact. Players want to see the reasonable price of the game, and expect the story to be really exciting and moving.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Netizens complain about "Assassin's Creed: Shadow". Musk: Diversity kills art true report five hundred and eighty-three Recently, the politically correct casting of "Assassin's Creed: Shadow" has aroused the anger of global players. Some players discussed on social media whether the delayed release of Assassin's Creed: Shadow should be caused by the deliberate addition of diversified (DEI) elements by game companies. Unexpectedly, this attracted the attention of the famous entrepreneur Elon Musk. Musk responded: "Diversity (DEI) kills art
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