
    NASA announced that the Spirit Star probe has launched its "science fiction propeller", which is expected to arrive at the Psyche asteroid in 2029

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Breeze and Deer

     NASA announced that the Spirit Star probe has launched its "science fiction propeller", which is expected to arrive at the Psyche asteroid in 2029

    The Spirit Star probe launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) on October 13 last year finally reached beyond the orbit of Mars. After six months of inspection, the spaceship named "Psyche" found no problems and was more than 300 million kilometers away from the earth. At present, the spaceship is driving to its target asteroid belt with full power using a sci-fi propeller.

    The working principle of the Lingshen Star detector is to jet charged atoms or ions - xenon gas, so as to move forward at a speed of about 37 km/s. Since there is no atmospheric drag, it is expected to accelerate up to 124000 miles/hour (200000 km/h). According to the plan, the spacecraft will arrive at the Psyche asteroid in 2029, and will carry out a scientific exploration mission in orbit for about two years.

    The deep space optical communication technology carried on the spacecraft will continue to be tested, and this experiment has exceeded the expectations of researchers. In April this year, it has successfully transmitted test data from more than 140 million miles (226 million kilometers) to the earth at a speed of 2.67 megabits per second.

    According to NASA, "Psyche" will orbit the metal asteroid of the same name for 26 months and analyze its gravity, magnetism and composition through scanning. The probe is expected to help scientists better understand the formation process of this rocky planet with a metal core, so as to better understand the Earth.

    It is worth noting that the thruster of "Psyche" is powered by charged atoms or ions of xenon gas with blue light, and its working principle is similar to that of rockets.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: NASA announced that the Spirit Star probe has launched its "science fiction propeller", which is expected to arrive at the Psyche asteroid in 2029 true report nine hundred and forty-three The Spirit Star probe launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) on October 13 last year finally reached beyond the orbit of Mars. After six months of inspection, the spaceship named "Psyche" found no problems and was more than 300 million kilometers away from the earth. At present, the spaceship is driving to its target asteroid belt with full power using a sci-fi propeller. Spirit Star Detection
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