
    McDonald's intercom toy exploded: many people were grabbing the app

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Latte without ice

     McDonald's intercom toy exploded: many people were grabbing the app

    Recently, McDonald's APP was hit by the traffic test due to the walkie talkie activity, a customized toy for Children's Day. It is reported that this walkie talkie activity has attracted great attention from consumers, leading to the downtime of McDonald's App for a time, and some ordering functions have been affected. However, these problems have been solved.

    It is understood that during the Children's Day, McDonald's and KFC usually introduce various toys as gifts. On Children's Day last June 1, McDonald's could get a Tetris game machine by placing an order, and the national limit was 400000. As soon as this game console was launched, it attracted wide attention because it was quickly snapped up.

    Industry experts said that now IP plus toys has become one of the hot topics in the market. And these toys often have social properties, which attracts a large number of users to participate. For buyers, the toy itself is not important, but more important is the mood of the post purchase circle of friends.

    However, the popularity of walkie talkie toys also makes people start to reflect on whether they still maintain a childlike mentality in their hearts. Maybe what we are pursuing is not toys in the true sense, but nostalgia for childhood or hope to have a pure heart.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: McDonald's intercom toy exploded: many people were grabbing the app true report seven hundred and thirty-two Recently, McDonald's APP was hit by the traffic test due to the walkie talkie activity, a customized toy for Children's Day. It is reported that this walkie talkie activity has attracted great attention from consumers, leading to the downtime of McDonald's App for a time, and some ordering functions have been affected. However, these problems have been solved. It is understood that during the Children's Day, McDonald's and KFC usually introduce various kinds of
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