
    The Chinese eat 70% of the world's watermelon in less than 24 hours!

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Summer of Mint Candy

     The Chinese eat 70% of the world's watermelon in less than 24 hours!

    Recently, a topic named "Chinese people eat 70% of the world's watermelons" on microblog has attracted wide attention. According to many domestic media reports, with the arrival of summer, people's demand for watermelon is increasing, especially in the sultry afternoon. Some experts said that watermelon has the effect of clearing away heat, relieving tiredness and thirst.

    It is reported that the actual consumption of watermelon by Chinese people is about 70 million tons, accounting for 84.5% of the total output of 26 major watermelon producing countries in the world. Not only do they sell well in the domestic market, but also watermelons produced abroad are favored by Chinese people.

    In addition, eating watermelon has many advantages. First of all, it contains a lot of water, potassium and other minerals, which can effectively relieve thirst, sweating and irritability. Secondly, it has a certain role in the treatment of jaundice, and fresh juice and tender skin can also enhance skin elasticity and delay the aging process.

    However, it is important to be careful when eating. If the patients with renal insufficiency or in the early stage of a cold are not suitable for excessive consumption of watermelon, otherwise it may aggravate the disease or prolong the course of the disease.

    Therefore, while enjoying delicious food, we should also pay attention to reasonable diet and physical condition. Although watermelons are delicious, you should follow the principle of moderation when buying and eating them to avoid unnecessary burden on your body.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The Chinese eat 70% of the world's watermelon in less than 24 hours! true report seven hundred and ninety Recently, a topic named "Chinese people eat 70% of the world's watermelons" on microblog has attracted wide attention. According to many domestic media reports, with the arrival of summer, people's demand for watermelon is increasing, especially in the sultry afternoon. Some experts said that watermelon has the effect of clearing away heat, relieving tiredness and thirst. It is understood that the actual consumption of watermelon by Chinese people is about 70 million tons, accounting for the world's total consumption of watermelon
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