
    Jin Hengtai, the father of Sword Star: The next game is worth every ending in the discussion

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Two or three cups of cola

     Jin Hengtai, the father of Sword Star: The next game is worth every ending in the discussion

    Jin Hengtai, the director of Sword Star, expressed his interest in the possibility of continuing to explore the universe of Sword Star in the future in an interview. He said that although the game has included a large number of rich plots and character settings in this work, their story design has taken into account the larger narrative background, which requires more time to expand and explore.

    As for the specific content and theme of the sequel, Jin Hengtai said that they were still in discussion and had not decided yet. However, he stressed that no matter what form the works take, they will try to maintain their original connotation and meaning.

    For players, they will be more concerned about what will happen in the sequel. In this regard, Jin Hengtai replied that each outcome has its own value and connotation, and it cannot be said that one outcome is more correct or better than others.

    He also revealed that the original idea of Sword Star was that human beings would be completely replaced by new civilizations. In that difficult period, he viewed the world from a more pessimistic perspective. But later he thought that each ending had its value, and said that if he continued, he might choose one of the endings as the basis.

    For more information about Sword Star and its subsequent works, we will continue to pay attention and update them in time to bring you the latest news.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Jin Hengtai, the father of Sword Star: The next game is worth every ending in the discussion true report seven hundred and fifty-six Jin Hengtai, the director of Sword Star, expressed his interest in the possibility of continuing to explore the universe of Sword Star in the future in an interview. He said that although the game has included a large number of rich plots and character settings in this work, their story design has taken into account the larger narrative background, which requires more time to expand and explore. On the specific content and theme of the sequel, Jin Heng
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