
    The official apology of World of Warcraft: there is no risk of triggering when SMS and email are wrong

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Lin Yousan

     The official apology of World of Warcraft: there is no risk of triggering when SMS and email are wrong

    In the early morning of May 25, the official microblog of World of Warcraft issued an apology for "some SMS and email messages related to password modification were triggered at the wrong time during the recovery of Warnet service". The official said that there is no risk in the player's account. If you have any doubt, you can try to log in to the official website.

    The players expressed their expectation for the return of the national service. One netizen joked: "I plan to throw rotten eggs at the gate of NetEase headquarters on June 6 without announcing the service opening time." Another netizen replied: "For your sake, you are still at work at two o'clock. I forgive you for the time being. 66 Maybe you can do it yourself."

    Previously, World of Warcraft officially announced that the "Blood Roar Remake Message Event" would end on June 6, and said that after the end of the event on that day, more information about the return of the World of Warcraft national service would be brought.

    For more information, please follow the World of Warcraft section.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The official apology of World of Warcraft: there is no risk of triggering when SMS and email are wrong true report five hundred and thirty In the early morning of May 25, the official microblog of World of Warcraft issued an apology for "some SMS and email messages related to password modification were triggered at the wrong time during the recovery of Warnet service". The official said that there is no risk in the player's account. If you have any doubt, you can try to log in to the official website. The players expressed their expectation for the return of the national service. Some netizens joked: "I will call on June 6 when the service time is not announced
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