
    set the whole room roaring with laughter! Musk claims to be an alien. If he finds an alien, he will tweet

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Latte without ice

     set the whole room roaring with laughter! Musk claims to be an alien. If he finds an alien, he will tweet

    Recently, Musk said at the VivaTech exhibition in Paris that many people often asked him whether he thought aliens existed on the earth, but he did not see any evidence of aliens. He joked: "I'm an alien, but no one believes me." When asked about interstellar migration, Musk is always full of confidence. He believes that within 10 years (or 7 to 8 years), humans will be able to land on Mars for the first time, and humans will return to the moon within five years.

    Previously, Musk had discussed this issue on the Internet. He said that a city inhabited by humans would be built on Mars within 30 years. "Manned landing can be achieved in less than 5 years and 10 years when nobody is on duty. A city may be built in 20 years, and civilization will be guaranteed." Last year, it was written on the X platform: "It is only 66 years from the first flight to landing on the moon, but half a century has passed since the last moon landing. This cannot be the highest symbol of our civilization. Humans should establish bases on the moon, build cities on Mars, and become an interstellar civilization! " "The crazy thing is, I haven't seen any evidence of the existence of aliens. Most likely, this part of the Milky Way is at least the only existence (species)."

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: set the whole room roaring with laughter! Musk claims to be an alien. If he finds an alien, he will tweet true report seven hundred and sixty-four Recently, Musk said at the VivaTech exhibition in Paris that many people often asked him whether he thought aliens existed on the earth, but he did not see any evidence of aliens. He joked: "I'm an alien, but no one believes me." When asked about interstellar migration, Musk is always full of confidence. He believes that within 10 years (or 7 to 8 years), human beings will be able to climb the
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