
    Wu Jing will star in the movie "Escort Man", revealing that a heavyweight senior will join

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Summer of Mint Candy

     Wu Jing will star in the movie "Escort Man", revealing that a heavyweight senior will join

    Wu Jing, a famous actor, revealed that the live action movie "Escort Man: The Wind Rises in the Desert" directed by Yuan Heping is about to start shooting. The main cast of the film is also very strong, and Wu Jing said that there will be some heavyweight seniors to participate in the performance. However, he didn't reveal much details about who it was. Although no exact information has been released yet, some netizens speculate that there may be Hong Jinbao or Jet Li in the film.

    Wu Jing said in the interview that he hopes to pass on the professional skills and spirit of these predecessors, and create a film that can make the audience remember vividly. He said that he was full of expectations for the film and hoped to leave his mark through the film.

    It is worth mentioning that "Escort: The Wind Rises in the Desert" has been approved for filing as early as May 2023, and Xiamen Yuanhe Film Co., Ltd. is responsible for the screenwriting. The film mainly tells the story of the desert escort Dao Ma who is entrusted to escort the mysterious character Zhishirang back to Chang'an and is chased by the Hu Shang family on the way. At the same time, Head Mo exposed his identity to protect Zhishirang, because he had saved the orphan baby Xiao Qi of the guilty minister's family many years ago, and Zhishirang told them the mysterious fate between them.

    It is understood that "Escort Man: The Wind Rises in the Desert" is scheduled to be released next year. Let's wait and see what this exciting action movie will bring us!

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Wu Jing will star in the movie "Escort Man", revealing that a heavyweight senior will join true report eight hundred and forty Wu Jing, a famous actor, revealed that the live action movie "Escort Man: The Wind Rises in the Desert" directed by Yuan Heping is about to start shooting. The main cast of the film is also very strong, and Wu Jing said that there will be some heavyweight seniors to participate in the performance. However, he didn't reveal much details about who it was. Although no exact information has been released yet, some netizens speculate that there may be Hong Jinbao or Jet Li in this film
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