
    Europe's largest Weilai Center opened in Amsterdam Li Bin: sell 100000 vehicles every year and consider setting up a factory

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: One penny moon

    Recently, Europe's largest Weilai Center officially opened in the center of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The center is located at the corner of a bridge across the canal in the center of Amsterdam, with luxurious decoration. As one of the world's leading electric vehicle manufacturers, Weilai spent millions of euros here. With the steady growth of electric vehicle sales in the Netherlands and other countries, Weilai is expected to further expand its share in the European market.

    At the opening event, Li Bin, CEO of Weilai Automobile, was interviewed. He said that despite the uncertainty of the EU's tariff policy on China's electric vehicles, Weilai would still be committed to expanding its business in the European market. However, he also said that if the EU did impose a large amount of tariffs, it would have a significant impact on the business of Weilai, and may include postponing or canceling the launch of mid-range and entry-level models in Europe.

    According to the analysis, Weilai Automobile may consider cooperating with local manufacturers to build factories. Li Bin said: "It will be a natural result to establish production facilities in Europe. For us, the baseline is 100000 vehicles per year." In addition, he also stressed the determination of Weilai in improving sales in Europe, and believed that more European consumers could choose Weilai by providing high-quality products and services and constantly optimizing users' car buying and driving experience.

    The opening of Weilai Center in Amsterdam, the Netherlands marks the further expansion of Weilai in the European market. As more and more countries join the electric vehicle market

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Europe's largest Weilai Center opened in Amsterdam Li Bin: sell 100000 vehicles every year and consider setting up a factory true report eight hundred and eighty-three Recently, Europe's largest Weilai Center officially opened in the center of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The center is located at the corner of a bridge across the canal in the center of Amsterdam, with luxurious decoration. As one of the world's leading electric vehicle manufacturers, Weilai spent millions of euros here. With the steady growth of electric vehicle sales in the Netherlands and other countries, Weilai is expected to further expand its share in the European market
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