
    The film Garfield has a good reputation among 11 media

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: No. 13 Hutong

     The film Garfield has a good reputation among 11 media

    According to the latest data from CinemaScore, the audience's reputation of the animated movie Garfield for all ages is B+, which is not high. On the MetaCritical platform, 27 media collected the film's ratings, of which only one gave a favorable comment.

    On Rotten Tomatoes, Garfield's media rating was 38%, with 98 media participating in the rating. It is worth noting that the audience's evaluation of the film is relatively good, reaching 84 points at present.

    The film will focus on Garfield from childhood to becoming a fat adult cat. It is worth mentioning that the star jazz Chris Palat voices the role, and Samuel Jackson plays the role of Garfield's father.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The film Garfield has a good reputation among 11 media true report four hundred and sixty-six According to the latest data from CinemaScore, the audience's reputation of the animated movie Garfield for all ages is B+, which is not high. On the MetaCritical platform, 27 media collected the film's ratings, of which only one gave a favorable comment. On Rotten Tomatoes, the media rating of Garfield is 38%, with 98 media participating in the rating
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