
    The Innocent Plan succeeded! "Sword Star" outsold "Dragon's Creed 2"

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: One penny moon

     The Innocent Plan succeeded! "Sword Star" outsold "Dragon's Creed 2"

    Since its release at the end of April, Sword Star has been highly praised by players. The physical version is in short supply in most Japanese retailers, which shows the hot sales of the game. Recent news shows that the sales volume of the physical version of Sword Star in Japan has exceeded that of Dragon Creed 2, which was officially launched on March 22.

    According to the blogger Genki, the sales volume of Sword Star in Japan reached 91099 sets, while that of Dragon Creed 2 was 83751 sets. The difference is about 7000 sets. Genki expressed appreciation for this and praised the first game launched by Shift Up for such excellent results.

    About Sword Star:

    When the abandoned earth is destroyed by strange and powerful creatures, the fate of mankind becomes complex and fragile. The remaining human remains fled to the colonization area in space for refuge. Eve came to this devastated place from the colonization area. Her mission was very clear: to recover the earth destroyed and destroyed by Yashinaka and save mankind. However, in the process of eliminating Niqiba and exploring the remains of human civilization, she gradually pieced together the truth about the past. She realized that her task was not so simple. In fact, what you see may not be true

    For more information, please follow the "Sword Star" section.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The Innocent Plan succeeded! "Sword Star" outsold "Dragon's Creed 2" true report seven hundred and ninety Since its release at the end of April, Sword Star has been highly praised by players. The physical version is in short supply in most Japanese retailers, which shows the hot sales of the game. Recent news shows that the sales volume of the physical version of Sword Star in Japan has exceeded that of Dragon Creed 2, which was officially launched on March 22. According to the blogger Genki, the sales volume of Sword Star in Japan has reached 9109
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