
    EA closed four mobile games "The Lord of the Rings: Chinese Heroes", which were closed after less than a year

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Milk Saury

     EA closed four mobile games "The Lord of the Rings: Chinese Heroes", which were closed after less than a year

    Today, EA will close its four mobile games, including The Lord of the Rings: Chinese Heroes, F1 Mobile Racing, Major League Baseball 2022 and Major League Baseball 2023. Among them, the customs service of "Lord of the Rings: Chinese Heroes" is particularly hasty, and the game has been online for less than a year.

    It is worth noting that in addition to F1 Mobile Racing, the other three games are all works launched by EA in the past two years. This customs service plan not only means that these games will stop operation soon, but also indicates that more games will withdraw from the market in the next year.

    By the end of this year, EA will also have four multiplayer games facing suspension, namely, Super Baseball 2 on July 24, Disney Magic Arena on July 31, NHL20 on September 16, and FIFA 22 on November 14. These products about to withdraw from the market represent the change of EA's future development direction.

    According to the current plan, EA will close a total of 17 games by 2024. Although there is no sign that the developers of these games are facing the risk of bankruptcy, it can be confirmed that they are engaged in new projects and continue to support existing products.

    This customs service action has attracted wide attention in the industry. For players, this means the end of an era and the coming of new content. For the industry, it is an opportunity to test the strength and market competitiveness of manufacturers.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: EA closed four mobile games "The Lord of the Rings: Chinese Heroes", which were closed after less than a year true report eight hundred and ninety-four Today, EA will close its four mobile games, including The Lord of the Rings: Chinese Heroes, F1 Mobile Racing, Major League Baseball 2022 and Major League Baseball 2023. Among them, the customs service of "Lord of the Rings: Chinese Heroes" is particularly hasty, and the game has been online for less than a year. It is worth noting that in addition to F1 Mobile Racing, the other three games are EA
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