
    Women leave their iPhones in their bedrooms to charge at work, but they burn their homes

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Bai Jingfu

    According to the news released by Huai'an Fire Protection, at 11:18 on May 23, a house fire broke out in Qingjiangpu District, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province. After the firefighters arrived at the site, they confirmed that there were no trapped people, used demolition tools to enter the room, and used a thermal imager to investigate the temperature in the room. It was found that the fire was in the main bedroom. After troubleshooting, it was confirmed that the fire was caused by the mattress ignited by the charging plug.

     Women leave their iPhones in their bedrooms to charge at work, but they burn their homes

    According to the female head of household, she delivered apples at 6:00 or 7:00 in the morning iPhone mobile phone It was put in the bedroom for charging. Unexpectedly, there was a fire at home, and she was working in the company when the fire broke out. Seen from the scene, the source of the fire seems to be the row and the older Apple iPhone.

     Women leave their iPhones in their bedrooms to charge at work, but they burn their homes

    Frequent accidents during charging are not new. Do not leave mobile phones, tablets and other devices to charge at home alone. In this regard, the fire department reminds that when people are disconnected from the power supply, any potential safety hazard should be timely investigated when dealing with electrical facilities.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Women leave their iPhones in their bedrooms to charge at work, but they burn their homes true report five hundred and sixty-seven According to the news released by Huai'an Fire Protection, at 11:18 on May 23, a house fire broke out in Qingjiangpu District, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province. After the firefighters arrived at the site, they confirmed that there were no trapped people, used demolition tools to enter the room, and used a thermal imager to investigate the temperature in the room. It was found that the fire was in the main bedroom. After troubleshooting, it was confirmed that the fire was caused by the mattress ignited by the charging plug. According to the woman
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