
    The new naughty dog will "redefine the mainstream game concept"? The official response is coming

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Lin Yousan

    Previously, Neil Druckerman, Creative Director of The Last Survivor, said in an interview that the next game of playful dogs might "redefine the mainstream game concept". However, he recently released a tweet to clarify this report and said that some words were misinterpreted.

    Druckerman mentioned in his tweet that the TV series "The Last Survivor" successfully attracted people's attention, which made him excited. He believes that games have received more and more attention, and people have begun to realize the amazing aspects of the game experience. He also expressed that he was full of expectations for the new project being produced, and thanked himself for being able to work with excellent collaborators.

    In short, the success of The Last Survivor and the expectations of the outside world for its sequel indicate that the game industry is undergoing changes and breakthroughs. We look forward to more amazing works coming out in the future.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The new naughty dog will "redefine the mainstream game concept"? The official response is coming true report five hundred and thirty-two Previously, Neil Druckerman, Creative Director of The Last Survivor, said in an interview that the next game of playful dogs might "redefine the mainstream game concept". However, he recently released a tweet to clarify this report and said that some words were misinterpreted. Druckerman mentioned in his tweet that the TV series "The Last Survivor" successfully attracted people's attention, which made him excited
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