
    After nearly 20 years, Nintendo plans to open its second official store in the United States next year

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: No. 13 Hutong

     After nearly 20 years, Nintendo plans to open its second official store in the United States next year

    On May 25, Nintendo officially announced that it plans to open its second official store, "Nintendo San Francisco", in the West Coast city of San Francisco in 2025. Located in Union Square, the store will invite tourists and nearby public to experience various Nintendo products.

    This will be Nintendo's second independent store in the United States, and it is likely to be much larger than the similar stores in its theme parks. According to the present Have a letter The details of the new store have not yet been disclosed, but it is certain that it will become a tourist hotspot for Nintendo fans, and will sell a variety of goods, hardware and accessories.

    It is worth noting that at present, we do not know the specific scale and product selection of the store to be opened, but from the perspective of location and scale, it is very desirable. In the future, we will continue to pay attention to and update the latest news for you!

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: After nearly 20 years, Nintendo plans to open its second official store in the United States next year true report five hundred and twenty-three On May 25, Nintendo officially announced that it plans to open its second official store, "Nintendo San Francisco", in the West Coast city of San Francisco in 2025. Located in Union Square, the store will invite tourists and nearby public to experience various Nintendo products. This will be Nintendo's second independent store in the United States, which is likely to be larger than similar stores in its theme parks
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